Category Archives: A pint of non specific!

I’m leaving the blog

For the past few months, I’ve known that I have wanted to leave this blog. I tried and tried to find the right words, but unlike everyone else, I’m not good at using the right words for a moment.
I know this post sounds like I’m being melodramatic, but I thought it would be rude to just leave the page and never update. I know that none of you sit eagerly at your computers waiting for your latest update from me, but I wanted anyone who stumbled upon the page to know that its a closed book.
People say that you should ignore hate and work on what you’re being criticised about, but its harder to practise than it is to say. I’m not cut out for this and its not as though this is a blog that will be missed.
My Twitter will still be LeilaniDiana and if you’re interested in taking over this blog, then please direct message me on there.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog, as much I did writing it. Love and light!

Things to personally achieve by September

I feel a little bit like Bridget Jones compiling this list. But it had to be done, I hate feeling like a failure and even though I know that once everything has been achieved on this list, I’ll still be a failure (I’m a typical Capricorn in my feelings).. But at least it shows I can make a list and do something, or it will be on the internet for time and memoriam to prove I can’t even follow a simple list if none of the tasks are completed, no pressure then.

1.) Be more tolerant of people, no matter how annoying they are. If all else fails, watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles to become like Del.

2.)Become fluent (or have the ability to get your point across to someone without the need to use hand gestures and grunting) in at least one language.

3.) Read at least 5 books this summer, you used to love reading and now you don’t enjoy them anymore, your bookshelves at night scream “y u no love us no more?”

4.) Try not to lose anymore friends, remember 2 years ago? You used to be so popular, now you can count your friends on one hand.

5.) Be happy, whether or not you’re always happy, you must always put that on the list, its puts things in to perspective.

6.) Try and get 5000 Twitter followers and 2,000 blog views. Because its fun. But remember to follow each kind individual back, its not nice if you don’t give back.

7.) Try and get more confidence, nobody likes creatures that blend in to the wall like a man on manoeuvres wearing camouflage and wring their hands so much that they’ve counted the specks on the floor.

8.) Empty your e-mail inbox and rue the day that you ever chose Hotmail over Yahoo, at least with Yahoo you could search for emails beginning with “Facebook” and click ‘Delete all’

9.) Curb your jealousy, hard to achieve being a typical Chinese Zodiac Pig, but you don’t want to become the person who puts Cayenne Pepper all over a guests meal because they got the promotion and you didn’t, in later life.

10.) Dare to bare legs and show toes (if the sun pops its head out).. Maybe your toes aren’t as ugly as you think and your legs don’t really resemble chicken thighs… But seriously, who gets cellulite at 16?!

11.) Try and blog earlier in the day.

So starting today, I’m going to get cracking on this list and by September 1st, I shall post a progress (hopefully completion) report!
Comment if you think something should be added to my list, help me get 5,000 followers and feel free to use this list as inspiration for yourself!

I need you!

Having high pollen counts in the sky, is my kryptonite, on the first day I get weeping eyes and constant sneezing, if the count remains high for the next few days, then I get full blown tonsillitis, at the moment I think I’m developing in to full blown tonsillitis either that or my throat is severely burned from the new toothpaste. The dentist was handing out free sample tubes of the new Oral B toothpaste (with antibacterial properties) and I tried it this morning and my mouth was on fire! It was like a bad batch of Listerine, I had difficulty eating Lunch and Dinner afterwards, now just swallowing is painful. I’m not being a drama queen, but I think my mouth is sensitive. Anyway, fingers crossed when I wake up I won’t be sick because I’ve had Tonsillitis about 6 times this year already.
Which brings me to the point of today’s blog. To quote Uncle Sam “I need you*points to you*” because when I get sick I just want to sleep, not only will you be standing in for me when I’m sick, you’ll also have to post something original once a week. Sound hard? Nah if I can do it so can you! Email to join in!

Taking a break

So I went over my data allowance, this means I won’t be seeing y’all until about the 3rd of June, I’m really sorry about this, but during my absence I’ll be finding more things to write about! I hope you all stay warm and safe in this weather, see you in about a weeks time! Also, don’t forget to like my facebook.. Ironically I gave in and now this page has a like site! Just type ‘TheOnlyAvailableUsername’ in to the facebook search bar! Bye!